Toward a new institution termed for instance "PLANET WARMING ORGANIZATION". A personal proposal for COP21.
3 NOVEMBER 2015, PARIS, FRANCE, a citizen-like contribution from Jean-François Moreau, M.D., Hy F.A.C.R, Honorary Professor and Chairman of Medicine and Radiology, University of Paris Descartes and The Hospital Necker of Paris.
President Holland wisely decided to host COP21 in Paris but, several strategic and/or tactic mistakes have been made at different levels, in France and/or elsewhere in the World, specially because of that preliminary and useless call for $100billions. Today there are still no program, no administration, no head-quarter to host and support a World Climate Warming Institution. Now, skepticism has become prevailing again while more and more people have been expressing their wishes of a huge disruptive success in the result of that crucial summit appointment at LeBourget. However, such a claim is earnestly expressed worldwide in the preeminent social networks. Fortunately, President Obama of the USA, who was born in Hawaii, and President Xi of China have been expressing his support within a recent while on weeks.
I'm participating in this internet lobbying through my personal website with a booming success of planetary audience since it started in last July
My still maturating personal full speech is currently based upon the following fundamentals described on a draft downloadable on :
1. The humans aren't responsible of the unavoidable cosmological rules based upon wave mechanics governing the Earth Planet's climate. They don't have to feel guilty.
2. The current cycle sounds to be evolving toward a Planet Warming during all XXIth Century long with different and varied kinds of catastrophes the mineral and/or the living matters, involving more or less differently according to given geographical locations.
3. The only three roles that the social anthropological local, urban, regional, national, continental, multi-continental human cosmic cells have been playing are:
i. increasing in the negative effects of the natural phenomena by from former to new irrespective actions.
ii. initiating positive actions in order to decreasing in the asynchronously human-made side-effects of the industrial and/or the post-industrial eras.
iii. passively inactive attitudes because of lacks of news/informations and/or of interest on given news/informations inducing procrastination with or without skepticism.
4. COP21 must be the first opportunity to FIRST MAKE THE DIAGNOSES OF THE STATE-OF-THE ART of the current "climate health disorders", in order to provide a world classification of the major diseases of the PLANET WARMING SYNDROME.
5. When the diagnostic framing has been established, the second stage shall be the presentation of the PREVENTIVE AND/OR CURATIVE TREATMENTS of the given disease involving the smallest cells, i.e. local, urban, regional, national, hopefully continental.
6. To achieve such a gigantic project, a DEDICATED ADMINISTRATION should/must be createdsince it doesn't exist yet, even at the UNO level that is supposed to hats the action.
7. A dedicated HEAD-QUARTER should/must be elected during COP21. I urge both the Conference President Laurent Fabius then the President of France François Hollande to propose the Hôtel-Dieu of Paris to host it definitely, since this is a prestigious and huge building symbolizing the millennial struggle of the Parisians against misery and health damaging, located at the heart of Paris, in the Ile de la Cité, aside Notre-Dame Cathedral since the decade 1160 A.C.
8. The new institution termed for instance "PLANET WARMING ORGANIZATION" should/must be included in the UNO Constitution as a subsidiary section of both united UNESCO and WHO delegates.
DE JURE ET DE FACTO, The PLANET WARMING ORGANIZATION forever belongs to the whole humanity as individuals currently living on the planet Earth and their descendants, without any consideration of race, religion, sex, nationality, opinions, et al.
The By-laws Committee should be made of delegates from the Scientific Academies under the presidency of the President of the French Institut de France, currently the architect Aymeric Zublena, assisted with the Presidents of the Academies of Sciences of the 15 Members of the 2015 UNO Security Council: China, France, Russia, United Kingdom, United State of America plus Angola, Chad, Chile, Jordan, Lithuania, Malaysia, Nigeria, New-Zealand, Spain, Venezuela.
9. The Planet Warming Organization should be funded by nonprofitable contributions, legacies, donations from:
i. The whole humanity's financial contributions based upon1USD/€ per capita paid by the governments. All identified national individuals officially registered in their countries as regular citizens or refugees, or stateless persons, should/must be founder members of the Planet Warming Organization.
ii. Optional financial/material/immaterial contributions from Urban, Regional, National, Continental, Planetary Governmental and/or Non Governmental Organizations officially incorporated should/must be official moral personal members of the Planet Warming Organization. iii. Optional financial/material/immaterial contributions from Business organizations officially registered.
iii. Optional financial/material/immaterial contributions from Industrial organizations officially registered
iv. Optional financial/material/immaterial contributions from Artistic & Cultural organizations officially registered
v. Optional financial/material/immaterial contributions from all others physical or moral persons excluding corrupted individuals and/or networks.
10. All projects subsidized and/or sponsored by the Global Warning Institution MUST be strictly and efficiently guaranteed against all kinds of corrupted systems by an exacting Ethical Committee.
11. No projects shall/should be submitted for/by an applicant before an exacting study of the accurate and trustworthy diagnosis of the current or predictable climate trouble has been acted.
12. No projects submitted for a Planet Warming Organization shall/should be subsidized without a careful examination of the file by the Executive Committee experts including a local visit of the place and the evaluation of the expertise and the honesty of the applicants.